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Revolutionize Succession Pipeline & Global Leadership Readiness

Top Talents to C-Suite

Coaching Expatriates® is your dedicated coaching and global leadership development partner, committed to cultivating a high-performing succession pipeline primed for global leadership excellence and delivering impactful results.

Trusted By Leading Global Organizations

Our Approach

Our global talent development solutions are meticulously crafted to tackle intricate global leadership challenges head-on. At Coaching Expatriates®, we specialize in reshaping mindsets and fostering empowering behaviors that yield tangible results. Our ultimate objective is to foster a thriving and more profitable workplace environment for all our valued partners and clients.

Let’s leverage and nurture your global talents together.

Our research-backed framework is designed to deliver return on your investment in Executive Coaching & Training.

Your Leadership Development Solutions

Your Challenges

At Coaching Expatriates®, we partner with some of the world’s largest companies, guiding them through the complex terrain of Leadership Readiness, Succession Planning, Cultural Transformation, Inclusion & Belonging, and Change Management challenges with precision and expertise.

How can we help you solve some of these problems?

Our Solutions

We empower your top talents and C-suite executives through facilitated learning and knowledge transfer interactions for mindset transformation and empowering behavior. These transformative global leadership programs can take the form of individual executive leadership coaching, group coaching, guided global leadership training sessions, immersive workshops, or captivating keynote presentations. Our mission is to fortify leadership readiness and foster the growth of your talent succession pipeline by crafting custom-tailored solutions aligned with your Human Capital Strategies.

Executive & Leadership
Coaching Programs

Leadership development through coaching is one of the most effective and powerful tools to fast-track growth & progress.

Team Transformation

You and your organization are unique. Design a fully customized talent development program for you and team.

The Global Leadership
Pillars™ Program

Get the right skillset to make impactful business decisions and be empowered to be impactful, inclusive and influential.

Empower your teams and departments with innovative insights and learning to expedite leadership readiness and greater bottom lines.

Unlock Your Training & Coaching ROI

Download our white paper with research and ROI implementation guidelines for great results or work with us for a DFY approach.

92 % Increase in Empowerment

69 % Improvement in Employee Retention

75 % Enhancement in Data-Driven Decisions

Our Happy Customers

I had the pleasure of being coached by Tatyana. Her intuition and exceptional listening skills have given me insights to lead a more fulfilling life.

Debbie Lynch appreciates the intuition and listening skills of her coach.
Debbie Lynch, PhD
Executive Partner, Chief HR Officer Solutions at Gartner
My experience with Tatyana as a coach has been invaluable. She has helped me uncover issues that were getting in my way of moving forward. She is quite insightful and uses that intuition to see between my words. I’m grateful!
Helen Brenner moved forward thanks to the insights gained with the program
Helen Brenner, MS, ACC
Transition Life Coach & Speaker
Working with Tatyana has been an eye-opening experience! She has helped me gain some really profound insights into myself. It’s obvious that not only is she a great coach but she’s also done the hard work of being coached herself!
Rachel Lally thinks she had profound insights with the program
Rachel Lally
Assistant Director, Regulatory & Administrative Affairs
Tatyana’s compassion and genuine concern for others helped me feel comfortable to open myself up in coaching. Tatyana’s support and encouragement helped me to feel empowered and able to achieve my goals.
Cara Collins feels empowered and able to achieve her goals
Cara Riccio-Collins
Therapist, Life Coach

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Includes walkthrough, templates, and competencies chart.

Global Leadership guide for first 90 days

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